Category: Hanga | Create

Summer Learning Journey Teaser Kick Start – Superhero

For this summer learning journey teaser activity, our task was to create a superhero that represents our culture. We used AI Craiyon and wrote specific keywords to form an image of a superhero from our choosing. My superhero is called Tamatoa and his alter-ego is Toni Tauamiti. He is from Samoa, Apia and his purpose is to protect his country from danger or harm. His alter-ego, Toni Tauamiti is a 23-year old boxer and wants to become the world champion.

I found this activity interesting because this was based on LS2’s reading.


How to prepare Harakeke

LI: To learn how to prepare harakeke flax

This week we learnt how to prepare a harakeke flax as it will be helpful for our item on the PBSMD (Panmure Bridge School Market Day). Something I found interesting about harakeke was that you can make it plyable by using a pair of scissors because you can make many things out of it like a bowl, fish, star, etc.

I found this activity interesting because I leanrt many different attributes you can make from Harakeke.


Diya Creating

LI: To follow the instructions to make your own origami diya (diva lamp).

The photo above shows my origami diya (diva lamp). Our first challenge was to watch the video that shows how to fold an origami diya (diva lamp). Before we could start we needed to use a ruler to measure a 20cm square piece of paper to make our own origami square. I found this challenging because there were many creases that needed to be folded. 

I found this activity interesting because I learnt how to create a lantern from a different culture.

Celebrating Diwali

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find out what Diwali is and how people celebrate around the world.

Our challenge was to write create a DLO that tells others what Diwali is and how people celebrate around the world. Something I found interesting was that the third day is the main festival of Diwali because this is where many Hindus worship the godess of Lakshmi.

I found this activity interesting because I learnt that there are 4 religions celebrated during Diwali.

Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find the story behind this picture

Our challenge was to write create a DLO that shows where this lighthouse is and what the story is behind the image. We found out that the Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument is a lighthouse in the section of Brittany on the west coast of Northen France. It was originally buit because of a ship wreck in 1896 which resutled in 250 deaths. 

I found this activity interesting because I learnt the history on why the lighthouse was originally built in the first place.

Inchcape Rock

LI: To find and summarise the story behind the poem

The ship sat still with no wind or waves near. The gushing waves strolled along as the bell sand endlong. Abbot Aberbrothok placed the inchcape bell on the inchcape bed. The rock was hidden well lucky mariners heard the bell. The sun did it’s routine the clouds came and fleed. Ralph marched along his deck as his fix’d eye suspects. Ralpj the Rover’s laughter was as powerful as his wickedness. His eyes were vauge and wanted to distinct the curse. His boat went low telling his men hurry and row. Down the bell went with it’s gurgiling sound of laughter.  He sailed in command as he goes to Scotlands land. Sky filled with gray clouds and seas black all around. On his deck rover stands sees no sight of land. To eachother they were clinging they wish they heard ringing. No sound was heard till a shivering shock emerged. It’s Ralph fault is ship was sinking full of salt. As sound of Inchcape bell below was the devil’s knell. 

Our challenge was to unpack the story behind the 17 verses of the poem Inchcape Rock by Robert Southy. The part I found interesting was reading the poem because it tells a very interesting story about a dangerous rugged rock in the middle of nowhere.

I found this activity interesting because I discovered how and why there is an Inchcape bell placed under the Inchcape rock.

Cultural Superheroes

LI: To describe your superhero

Our challenge was to create a DLO of the story they are in using key vocabulary from all our T-shaped literacy units to describe them and their attributes. We took on a challenge by creating a slide that explained who our superhero is, what their backstory is, their family connections, what their strengths and weakness were and also who their enemy is.

My superhero is Tamatoa. In english it means warriors child and he comes from Apia, Samoa. His Father is (Solofa) mother (Hineiwi) brother (Faakataine Uga) and sisterless. He also works along with a partner named Sione the Great. Sione’s alter-ego is an all blacks rugby player. Tamatoa’s alter-ego is Faaiuga Taupa’u and he is a samoan boxer.

I found this activity interesting because I had the chance to create my own superhero that represents my culture as a samoan.

Care Awards Respect | Task 5

I am currently working on my Respect Badge. These badges that we recieve represents our school and what we do. It stands for C.A.R.E (Confidence, Attitude, Respect, Excellence) I have to complete 5 tasks before collecting my badge. My task was to write a thank you letter to a staff member or a teacher. I chose to write a thank you letter to Mr Johnston because he made succulent meals, lunch, supper, breakfast, and dinner whilst being at camp.

I found this activity interesting because I wrote a thank you letter to Mr Johnston on how amazing his food was/

Care Awards Respect | Task 4

I am currently working on my Respect Badge. These badges that we recieve represents our school and what we do. It stands for C.A.R.E (Confidence, Attitude, Respect, Excellence) I have to complete 5 tasks before collecting my badge. My task was research about Aretha Franklin’s Song ‘Respect.’ Aretha wrote this song to teach others what Respect is and how it is used towards others. In the lyrics, Aretha demands respect from her partner the same way she does to him. I figured out that the moral of the song was to treat others how you want to be treated.

I found this activity interesting because as I was creating this task, I learnt the meaning behind the song Respect


Care Awards Respect | Task 3

I am currently working on my Respect Badge. These badges that we recieve represents our school and what we do. It stands for C.A.R.E (Confidence, Attitude, Respect, Excellence) I have to complete 5 tasks before collecting my badge. My task was to create a presentation on a respected leader. I chose Nelson Mandela because there many apsects to his personality and his role that makes him a respected leader. One of the interesting things I have foudn was that he won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for dispelling the perputation of the Apartheid regime.

I found this activity interesting because I researched many different things I never knew about Nelson Mandela